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Print Manuscripts  |  Multimodal Synthesis  |  Submission Guidelines

Print Manuscripts

Publications in this strand discuss recent trends in research and theory in the fields of language arts, literature, arts, literacy, and related fields. A wide range of formats and methodologies is accepted, including qualitative research, quantitative studies, narrative research, single case studies, ethnography, content analysis, discourse analysis, surveys, experiments mixed methods research, conceptual and theoretical pieces, and meta-analyses. All publications in this strand should provide implications for research, practice, and/or policy. The Research Strand does not publish program descriptions or evaluations, course papers, summaries of dissertations or theses, or personal reflections. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages, excluding references, tables and other material. In addition, authors submitting to RESEARCH need to adhere to the General Submission Guidelines and Review Policy.

All print manuscripts in this strand are subject to a double-blind review process by at least two members of an editorial review board. The review criteria in appraising manuscripts include: (a) significance/relevance to literature, language arts, arts, and literacy research, learning and instruction; (b) appropriateness and rigor of methods, including questions, data collection and analysis; (c) conceptual/theoretical soundness; (d) connection to relevant literature in discussion and implications; and (e) clarity of writing style and rigor of argumentation. Upon completion of the review, the editors evaluate the reviewer comments alongside the manuscript and make a recommendation regarding submission that may be:

· Accept (as is or with minor revisions)
· Accept conditionally with revisions (only editors should determine if the revisions are acceptable)
· Revise and Resubmit (editors and original reviewers determine if revisions are acceptable)
· Reject

Multimodal Synthesis

Upon acceptance, we ask authors to present a multimodal synthesis of their work in a format and language that is accessible to a wider audience, including the readers who might not be academicians or researchers. A multimodal synthesis is a brief (1-2 min.) presentation introducing your article using text, audio, video, and/or image. The format could be a podcast, interactive presentation, or any other format utilizing multimodal composition techniques in an accessible manner.

We would ideally like the multimodal synthesis to be like a “teaser,” or trailer to entice people to read and know more about your study. Indicate that this was a study, how you came to study this, how your participants were selected, and any results you wish to report, in an abbreviated way since it is a teaser.

This synthesis will hopefully lure Ubiquity visitors to read your work, so your presentation should summarize the methodology, findings, and implications through illustrations and examples that are not a mere rehash of the article. Please avoid tired formats (PowerPoint slide shows, etc.). We strongly encourage outside-the-box presentations!

Very Important:  We need a physical copy of your multimodal synthesis (i.e. a media file with an MP4 suffix for video or .wav and mp3 files for audio material). Please do not send to us the URL to the site where you uploaded your video using other services housed in the “cloud” such as Animoto or YouTube The journal has its own hosting site for housing media files and for this reason we request a media file with all audio visual material.

If you are looking for additional music, images or other media to implement into your synthesis, feel free to use the variety of material available at Creative Commons (, Pixabay ( or Mixter ( that not all licenses on the Creative Commons or Pixabay websites allow remixing so make sure to select the right license type. Please be sure to secure permission and/or give credit for any content “remixed” from prior sources. In addition, obtain releases for all recognizable persons in the audiovisual material (image, video, audio) from your own production as well. This is especially important with children.

Credits Page

Please be sure to prepare the credits page to document permissions for using others’ work (images, audio, or video material) in your multimodal synthesis (i.e., remix) and include it at the end of your synthesis. Here are sample annotations for the credits page.


Source: Creative Commons via (e.g., Flickr):



License: Creative Commons Attribution License

License Shorthand:  (e.g., CC-BY)

If you are using your own photos or audio-visual material allowable for publication, just state that you have secured the appropriate permissions and releases for x, y, z, etc.

IMAGE/Audio/Video Title:   

Property of Author: 

Permission: Secured

Release: Secured

For specific information regarding acceptable formats for visual, audio, and video material, see the General Submission Guidelines and Review Policy.

Copyright Clearance and Permission Documentation

Make sure to include with your multimodal submission the relevant copyright documentation for the appropriated audiovisual material of others in your multimodal synthesis and signed permissions, where applicable. This will allow to establish the copyright provenance of these materials. For more information about the use of audio visual material and permissions in a multimodal synthesis go to Permissions and Copyright .  Please use the sample of the documentation record we supplied above as a guide to provide the copyright and permission documentation for the audiovisual material appearing in your multimodal synthesis.

Evaluation of Multimodal Synthesis

The Research section editor and other editors, where applicable, review and evaluate if a multimodal synthesis adheres to the following criteria:

• Synthesis uses audio/video, presentation software, and/or images to introduce study, methodology, findings, and implications

• Synthesis uses plain language to explain key concepts through illustration and examples

• Multimodal content enhances rather than distracts from content being presented

• Content does not exceed 1-3 minutes of audio/video material or other form of presentation

• The relevant copyright documentation and permissions are enclosed

To submit, go to this portal: Open Journal System (OJS)


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